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Writer's pictureletstalkafricawithmspaida

Hello... Mhoroi...Jambo ...Molo... !!!

Welcome everyone to this exciting journey .Its been a dream that has taken a while to come to fruition , and funny enough it had nothing to do with lack of finances .It was sorely because i was SCARED !!! Can you even believe it , I started the "Lets Talk Africa" in 2015 .

Whoa wait , let me introduce myself first (where are my manners ;-) .My name is Paidamoyo Motsi .I am originally from the beautiful African country of Zimbabwe , moved to South Africa in 2011 (goodness i love this country , but will get into that later ) in 2017 i moved to the United Arab Emirates. It has been an interesting journey. Like i said before , its taken me a while to get to this point of publishing this site and actually starting the Lets Talk Africa show.

In 2015 i was watching one of my favorite soapies Rhythm city hehehe and an advert came up , i don't remember which one , but i kept on saying to myself , this advert is so bad omg .Having worked in marketing before i just could not believe that there was an advertising team that actually okayed this advert to go online .So from then i started watching how African publications were different in comparison to first world countries .I was amazed at how much most of our stuff was a bit sub standard .I created a page on Facebook called Lets talk media Africa , had my notes ready but honestly life happened and i put that on hold .I then decided to look into this project again , and had an idea to rather tackle issues that affect us as Africans as a whole and l still have a media section of topics discussed .

Phew ... so i started recording my thoughts, cause there was no way i was going to put my face out there and my name .We all know how hard it is to tackle serious issues as an African , we just don't have that confrontation attitude in us , so this was going to be a podcast ONLY .So the original name of the show was Lets Talk Africa with Ms Anonymous ( which you will hear in my first recordings ) Then i was like okay maybe i can use my nickname not a lot of people know this one , so since i will be doing podcast , no one would really know , or put face to name .so name changed to Lets Talk Africa with Ms Pondo , so you will hear me introduce the show under the new name .Mind you the saying "time waits for no man" was literally happening to me .years were moving , and i still didn't feel confident to put myself out there .Its only now in 2018 that i decided you know what lets do this .... after watching lots of inspirational people and they all had the same message JUST DOOOOOOOO IT !!! When i started working in the UAE the first task i was assigned with was to introduce a theme lesson about Africa to my year 5 students .Unbeknownst to my lead teachers , this was not a coincidence but a confirmation of a dream i had been sitting on for 3 whole years.

so here we are ... Lets Talk Africa with Ms Paida was born and going live . Excited about this new chapter .Excited to learn about Africa , there is so much richness and i cant wait to explore .My one of my goals is to visit as many African countries as i can , learn about cultures and a whole lot more.

However the most important goal is that we (Africans) realise how rich our continent is , How blessed we are as a nation , if we only celebrate one another .Of Course for the rest of the world to learn about this beautiful continent some call #motherland , that its not only about Safaris , poverty or jungles .

so , Here we go ....

Yours African Child


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