African Culture is so deep and rich , there is a lot of things we love and cherish .However as the world has moved on , there is a lot of practices that do not seem practical in todays world .Here we aim to look at some of these practices and what can be done to maybe reach a 50/50 point , or is that even up for debate .
"Diaspora" this word really became prominent in the early 2000's.Basically its the African children living out of their home countries , mostly because of the economic . political and social factors happening in the countries .Are the diasporians just misunderstood , or they just think they are better than their African families still in Africa.
Growing up in the 90's life seemed to be much more relaxed and easier , now that we are adults , we face the same challenges our parents faced but seems ours are times a 1000 , from careers , marriage , gender roles the list goes on , did they really have it easy or are we just a bit "lazy" #oops.
Let.s take a look at news that have made the headlines this week in Africa.
Getting to know Africa ,one country at a time.